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'An Artist to watch!' 

BBC Introducing


'A home grown artist from London. I first met Brooke Law when she was 17 playing a tiny venue in London. She blew me away with her energy on stage. She kind of reminds me of Lenny Kravitz and Janis Joplin. She actually played my Friday night spotlight recently. Before the session she's very shy very quiet. It was so exciting to see her play. She brought the house down.'

Ben Earle, The Shires on Absolute Radio.


'Brooke is certainly taking country music by storm with her powerful vocals and addictive tracks. This single (Boomerang) proves just that!' 

CountryLine TV and Radio


'You’re a unique talent. If you can see Brooke live, do! She's amazing!'

 David Grant, BBC Radio London 


'This is one Law we are definitely going to be following!' 

W21 Music


"Unique Sound - Great Song" 

Baylen Leonard - Absolute Country


"Confident and assured. Brooke Law may well become your favourite new Country Rock Star2" 

Record of The Day.


"Law's style of music spans several genres but at the heart of it all is excellent story telling. To answer the question who is Brooke Law? Meet her at TBCMF in September"

The British Country Music Festival


"Brooke Law is our hottest tip to surprise people at Buckle and Boots 2022 and a taste of just how good she'll be comes with her new single We All Need Saving"

W21 Music


"Brooke's voice channels Chrissie Hynde's here as she sings with rich depth and a bit of gravel too. Meaningful Lyrics + Melody = Acoustic joy"

James Daykin EF Country

© 2021 by Brooke Law

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